“To whom God would make known what is the
riches of the glory of this mystery among the
Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of
glory: Whom we preach, warning every man,
and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we
may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus”
– Colossians 1:27-28
We are missionary means that we believe it our responsibility to reach our families, peers,
communities, cities, states, nation, and world with the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. There
were no boundaries for Christ and we are here to follow His example!
Quaker Avenue Baptist Church is a place to belong, a place to fellowship, and a place to
serve. It is our goal to provide a place where you can be led into a growing and fruitful
relationship with Jesus Christ while building relationships with others who are seeking
a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
You are welcome here!
We have Sunday School classes for every age, for a full list please check out our Ministries page. Our praise music is a great blend of hymnal and modern style music lead out by our talented praise and worship team. Our worship service is led by our Senior Pastor as we dig into the Word of God.
Sunday Morning:
Sunday School (Adults, Teens, & Children): 9:45 AM
Praise and Worship: 10:45 AM
Sunday Night:
Praise and Worship: 6 PM
Wednesday night:
Class (Adults, Teens, & Children): 7 PM
Senior Pastor
Monty Hilliard
Monty A. Hilliard has been involved in ministry since 1975, serving in various capacities. He received his seminary training at Oklahoma Missionary Baptist College, graduating with a Bachelor of Applied Ministries, in 1981, while serving as Associate Pastor, Youth Minister, and Music Minister. His musical training includes an Associate of Arts degree from Grayson College in 1984. He received an Advanced Diploma in Biblical Studies from Faith Bible Institute, in 2006. His further education includes a Master of Theological Studies received from Texas Baptist Institute and Seminary, in 2019. Monty began his role as a Senior Pastor with the Quaker Avenue Baptist Church, in 1987, and has continued to serve in this position for 35 years.
Associate Pastor
David Phillips
David E. Phillips began his formal ministry in 1988 as an ordained deacon of Pacific Avenue Missionary Baptist Church of Iowa Park, Texas. After moving to Lubbock, Texas and serving as a deacon and youth minister, Quaker Avenue Baptist Church followed God’s calling to license David. In 1998, Northside Missionary Baptist Church of Snyder, Texas called him to be their pastor, and ordained him as a minister. David graduated with his Bachelors in English Bible from West Texas Baptist Institute in 1999. He also obtained an Advanced Diploma in Biblical Studies from Faith Bible Institute in 2000. David faithfully served as pastor of Northside for 16 years before the Lord led him and his wife back to Lubbock. Since returning to Lubbock, David has served as an Associate Pastor of Quaker Avenue Baptist Church.
College & Youth Pastor/MBSF Director
Chris Robertson
As a New Testament Church we believe that we are an autonomous body of Christ and only He has authority over us. However we fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as well as other New Testament Churches in local, state, and national capacities. Below are those associations with whom we have chosen to associate.
Southwest Association of Missionary Baptist Churches is an association of churches located in the states of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.
The state association of the Missionary Baptist Churches of Texas.
The American Baptist Association is a worldwide group of independent Baptist churches voluntarily associating in their efforts to fulfill the Great Commission. It strives to maintain full autonomy and equality of every church that participates within the organization.
Below is a list of all the mission points and missionaries that we support at a church, starting with those works directly sponsored by QABC. The latest reports for our Mission points can be found by clicking the button located below.
Supported missions not sent out by QABC.
Mon: 9 AM - 1 PM
Tues-Fri: 8 AM - 12 PM, 1 PM - 5 PM
4405 51st Street
Lubbock, TX 79416
Sunday School – 9:45 AM
Morning Worship – 10:45 AM
Evening Worship – 6 PM
Classes – 7 PM