Celebrating 60 years of Ministry!
The Lakeview Missionary Baptist Church (originally Lubbock Missionary) began sponsorship of a group of their own members to do mission work in the southwest part of the city. The year was 1961. This new work was called Lakeview Baptist Mission. In September of that same year, the mission members met in the Meadow Park building, owned by the Lakeview Church. The organizational service for the Unity Missionary Baptist Church was held on October 14, 1961, at the Lakeview Church. There were 14 charter members. J. R. and Eva Brown were the first additions to the newly organized church. Bro. Brown, ordained in 1954 by Lubbock Missionary, was recognized as a
On July 15, 1962, the Unity church voted to sell the Meadow Park property and purchase the property located at 51st Street and Quaker Avenue. Three weeks later, the building committee negotiated the terms for the property and building at $12,000 down, and $350.00 per month for twelve months, then $650.00 a month for 144 months, plus two side notes of $6,000 and $4,000.
The church officially adopted its present name, Quaker Avenue Missionary Baptist on October 10, 1962, and moved into the present auditorium in March of 1963. The building was officially dedicated at the conclusion of a week-long revival, Saturday, March 16,
1963, led by evangelist, Vernon Lierly.
The church received financial and prayerful aid from sister churches across the state of Texas in 1968-69, when the church was without a pastor and was in danger of defaulting on their mortgage. This plea was well responded to by sister churches of the Missionary Baptist Association of Texas. Their financial assistance and prayers helped the church to stand again on her own. The bank note for the original building was burned at a special service on November 6, 1980.
On May 23, 1982, the church voted to accept the membership of Lubbock Missionary Baptist (formerly named Lakeview) into Quaker Avenue Church.
In August of 1984, the church began to make improvements to existing property and started construction on a fellowship hall at a cost of $53,000. The fellowship hall bears the cornerstone which was originally placed on the Lubbock Missionary Baptist Church (formerly Lakeview) building in 1958.
Property improvements made from 1987 – 1995 include: a new roof for both educational wings, outside landscaping, a new kitchen, three new classrooms added ($26,000), which as paid off in 5 years), a sound room for the new P.A. system, lighted street sign, new
pastor’s study and other offices, remodeling of the halls, a new sanctuary organ, a church van, and security lights for the grounds.
In 1996, the church installed a sprinkler system paid for by donations received in honor of our 35th Anniversary.
In 1997-98, more construction was done in the fellowship hall. Due to a $5,000 donation from the estate of Jay & Pauline Leamon, two more classrooms and two storage rooms were added. Later that year, a new ladies and men’s restroom along with an upstairs classroom and two more storage rooms were built. Air conditioning and heating was made possible through a generous offering of $10,000, by one of our church families. In 2000, the auditorium roof was replaced, and a 22 feet tall steeple was installed. On Monday, September 2, 2002, renovation of the auditorium began. The project took a full six weeks to complete. The pews were carried to the fellowship hall, where worship was held each Sunday. Improvements to the auditorium included: new baptistery & water heater, enlarging the podium and choir area, new stage, new pulpit, new stage lighting, new lighting along auditorium perimeter, new overhead lighting, new air conditioning and heating units, new sound room, roof lights for steeple, new carpet throughout the building, and new seating. All work was done by the men of the church (except AC/HV), and all cost was paid in full when the project was complete ($31,000). Before the carpet was laid on the stage, the membership was invited to write their favorite verses of scriptures on the bare wood, so anytime people stand before the congregation, they are literally standing on the Word of God! The cost of this project would have been many times more had it not been for Bro. Dan Piper and the many members volunteering their services.
In 2002, the church began broadcasting a TV spot to Lubbock and the surrounding area (approx. 400,000 viewers). The commercial clearly and simply explained the Gospel message and people’s need to be saved. The spot has been reproduced several times but
was continuously shown for 15 years. Only the Lord knows what benefit this outreach has been.
In 2004, QABC established Local Mission Development (LMD), patterned after Texas Mission Development, to promote more mission work in the Southwest Association. Since, 2004, with the cooperation of 19 sister churches in the SWA, LMD has distributed more than $200,000 to assist with 17 various projects.
In 2004, further upgrades to the sanctuary were added new pendant lights were installed. The old pews were donated to a mission work in Indiana and 178 padded chairs were purchased.
In 2007, the church purchased a 2006, 15-passenger van from Scoggin Dickey Chevrolet in Lubbock. This was an invaluable aid in our bus ministry and for those attending teen church camp in the summer.
In 2008, the church purchased a new 8’ x 4’ lighted street sign with a letter board allowing us to post scriptures, announcements, and devotional thoughts. Almost all the money raised by the purchase of memorial bricks that are a part of the foundation. In 2009, the church upgraded the sound system with a 24 channel mixer and microphones. We also purchased audio-visual equipment and began using the overhead screen for singing hymns, announcements, and other special projects. This equipment has proved to be extremely useful for cantatas, Vacation Bible School, funerals, weddings, and visiting missionary presentations.
In 2011, the church voted to begin an outreach to Wheelock Elementary. The Good News Bible Club is held each Tuesday after school throughout the school year. This outreach effort is led by Sister Terry Hilliard, with assistance from Norma Wood, Laura Yoes, Elizabeth Singh, Connie Holleyman, and Betty Jackson. In 2015, the opportunity opened up (through much prayer) for us to move the club to Stewart Elementary, which is less than one mile from the church location. Since beginning this outreach more than 100 children have received Christ as their Savior.
In 2013, the church purchased a 2011, 15-passenger van from McNatt Cheverolet in Denton, Texas. Brother Bobby Thompson and Brother Monty drove to pick it up. With the two vans, we now have the ability to pick up all the children that want to come to church for any given service. That same year the roof was once again replaced on the east/west educational wings, this time with a foam spray. We also purchased a new Yamaha digital console piano in place of an organ.
In 2013, the church voted for Brother David Phillips to serve as Associate Pastor. Bro. David was ordained by QABC and served in that capacity for many years. After pastoring Northside Baptist Church in Snyder, Texas for 15 years, Bro. David and his wife, Rebecca, have come back to our church, where they both serve in many ways. In 2014, the parking lot was replaced. Three handicapped spaces were opened along with a wheelchair ramp leading to the front entrance. This has been a great aid for safe parking and maneuvering for those using travel aids.
In 2015, the church voted to build a 30’x 40’garage to house the vans and trailer. The garage is attached to the west side of the Fellowship Hall and is easily accessible due to a covered walkway. Seventeen thousand dollars of this cost was paid from the Local
Mission Development (LMD) that our church was awarded that year. We learned firsthand the value of this great ministry.
In May of 2015, QABC called Bro. Steven Haney to be our Youth & MBSF Director to Texas Tech University. With the prayers and financial support of sister churches throughout the state, we have achieved our goal to become a certified Student Organization on the campus. The weekly meetings with our teens and MBSF students have proven to be very successful. Bro. Steven is also part of our pastoral staff, serving as Associate Pastor.
In October of 2015, the church assumed the sponsorship of Bro. David Smith, founder, and director of, Texas Intercultural Ministries (TIM). This is a church planting effort for the Dallas Metro, which is currently underway in the city of Mansfield. This ministry could not be accomplished without the financial and prayerful support of the Missionary Baptist Association of Texas.
In 2016, the kitchen and den area of the parsonage was remodeled, due to a water leak. The counter tops were replaced, as well as the flooring in both areas. We also replaced all the lighting in the Fellowship Hall.
In 2019, the church had a video security surveillance system installed, for the safety of our membership, allowing us to monitor our building and grounds around the clock. In 2020, the church purchased a beautiful Kawai grand piano, after raising funds for more
than two years. The cost was $10,000.
In 2021, the church voted to upgrade our video system. The dual 70” monitors will replace the center overhead projector screen, giving better video quality and allowing the cross over the baptistery to be continuously viewed. The new cameras will also enhance our ability to do live streaming as part of our website outreach. The church also voted to replace the original 58 year old windows, with new panes.
The membership began in 1961 with 14 people. Today we have 416 members. However, we regret to report, only 130 are active at this time. According to the minutes published by the Southwest Association (a local association of ABA churches) from 1961-2021,
QABC has seen 387 additions by baptism, and 564 additions by letter, for a grand total of 951 members! Of course, the total number of people that have received Christ as their Savior as a result of our ministries, only the Lord knows
Men that surrendered to preach the Gospel at QABC: Sam Hogan, Dale Shackleford, Harley Baker, Dwain Knight, John Owen, Norman Pierce, Garion Brunson, John Hobgood, Darrel Morris, Jeffry Brunson, David Phillips, Jerry Harp, William Burns, Daniel Davis, Aaron Thompson, Stephen Sohn, James Burns, Brandon Davis, and Peter Thompson.
Deacons who served the church: J.R. Brown, William Knight, Ray Sowder, Quentin Macon, Lyle Hollon, David Phillips, Bernie Goyne, Louis Yoes, and George Waldrop, and Charles Stringer.
Pastors who served the church: James Slocumb (1961-62); J.R. Berry (1962-67); John Armstrong (1967-68); Norman Clark (1968-69); Norman Pierce (1969-73); David Ward (1973-75); Rusty Eileen (1975-76); Danny Sledge (1977-80); Harry Brendle (1980-82); Ron McClung (1982-82); Danny McClintock (1983-86); and Monty Hilliard since March 1987.
Mon: 9 AM - 1 PM
Tues-Fri: 8 AM - 12 PM, 1 PM - 5 PM
4405 51st Street
Lubbock, TX 79416
Sunday School – 9:45 AM
Morning Worship – 10:45 AM
Evening Worship – 6 PM
Classes – 7 PM