Raider MBSF is our college ministry and outreach to Texas Tech University as well as other colleges and universities around Lubbock. We strive to create an outreach an atmosphere to enable college students to find a growing relationship with Christ as well as lifelong friendships with other believers going through the same things in life. All of our upcoming plans and details can be found by following the “OUR EVENTS” button below!
We meet every Monday at 7 PM that TTU is in Session in one of the reserved rooms, either in the SUB or Library.
Current Meeting Room: Library Study Room 403
Our MBSF student officers meet weekly to go over future plans for the MBSF and campus outreach.
On a weekend each month we get together as a group to hang out. We do bowling, lazer-tag, movie night, game night, etc.
We hold a monthly community service day where we get focus on a service project our members vote on to help our community.
Mon: 9 AM - 1 PM
Tues-Fri: 8 AM - 12 PM, 1 PM - 5 PM
4405 51st Street
Lubbock, TX 79416
Sunday School – 9:45 AM
Morning Worship – 10:45 AM
Evening Worship – 6 PM
Classes – 7 PM