
Ministering is our Purpose!

Come and experience Spiritual learning and growth through song and study of God’s Word, build relationships with fellow believers for encouragement, support, and mentorship!

Check out our list of Ministries below to find one that fits you!

Our Ministries…

We strive to meet the needs of all our members and guests to the best of our ability. We want to be able to equip both new and experienced Christians with the tools they need to grow in their relationship with Christ as well as an atmosphere that allows God to speak to those hearts that are still questioning. Come and find your place to belong here with us!

Adult Ministries:

This section is about our ministries for adults ages 20+ years old. This includes our Adult Sunday School classes, Wednesday night classes, Weekly Meetings, and Ministry groups.

College Ministries:

This section is about the ministries for anyone college age, 18-24 years old. This includes on-campus ministries at TTU, College age classes, Fellowships, and weekly/monthly meetings.

Youth Ministries:

This section is about our ministries for children and youth ages newborn-19 years old. It includes our Sunday school classes, Wednesday night classes, Game nights, and weekly/monthly ministries.